Acceptance into the Upper Division is competitive. The Pre-Licensure Program typically receives more applicants than available spots.
Students who wish to apply for admission into the pre-licensure BSN program must have fulfilled the following minimum requirements:
1. Admission to UNCP by meeting general requirements for admission as a regular degree seeking student.
2. Successful completion of all 62 hours of general education nursing core (46 hours) and pre-requisite nursing major (16 hours) courses with a grade of C or better at the end of the spring semester prior to entering the nursing program.
3. A GPA of 2.5 (4.0=A) is required for admission consideration. Each student’s GPA is calculated on the required 62 hours of general education nursing core courses and the 16 hours of nursing pre-requisite coursework.
4. A GPA of 2.5 in the following mathematics and science courses is required for admission consideration: MAT 1050 or higher, BIO 2110, BIO 2120, BIO 3150, CHM 1300 and CHM 1100 OR CHM 1400 and CHM 1120, NUR 3250, and statistics.
5. Physical, mental, and emotional health that enables a student to participate in and complete the program (see departmental policies).
6. Submission of a supplemental application to the School of Nursing by February 15 of the year they plan to enter the BSN program. All applicants will be notified of acceptance status no later than March 15.
7. Completion and submission of the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS™) to UNCP before Feb 15. Scores must be submitted to the McKenzie-Elliott School of Nursing directly from ATI.