Requirements for entry into the RIBN program differ based on your current academic standing. Please choose one of the options below which best corresponds to your academic situation.
Additional requirements may be necessary depending on the partner community college you apply to. Each partnering RIBN community college will make the final decision as to which students will be accepted into RIBN for their school. Meeting the minimum requirements listed below does not guarantee acceptance. The application process is competitive.
High school students or college students with less than 12 college credits
High school students or college students with less than 12 college credits must have the following:
- A minimum unweighted cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale is required for all high school course work.
- A minimum composite ACT score of 18 or higher or SAT score of 920 or higher combined math and reading.
- Acceptance into UNC-Pembroke as a degree seeking student.
- Acceptance into the community college as a degree seeking student.
- A grade of C or higher in all required courses or the ability to retake any failed courses within the first year of RIBN.
- Placement into ENG 111 and MAT 143.
Students with 12 or more college credits
Students with 12 or more college credits must have the following:
- A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale in all college courses is required (includes courses taken at all universities and/or community colleges).
- A grade of C or higher in all required courses or the ability to retake any failed courses within the first year of RIBN.
- Acceptance into UNC-Pembroke as a degree seeking student.
- Acceptance into the community college as a degree seeking student.
- Placement into ENG 111 and MAT 143.
Students with 30 or more college credits and wanting to enter directly into Year 2 of RIBN
Students wanting to enter directly into Year 2 of RIBN must have the following:
- A grade of C or higher in BIO 165/168, BIO 166/169, CHM 131/151, ENG 111, ENG 112, PSY 150, MAT 143/171, MAT 152, and a minimum of any two additional RIBN courses.
- A feasible plan of study must be created with the Student Success Advocate which shows completion of RIBN in 3 years.
- A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale in all college courses is required (includes courses taken at all universities and/or community colleges).
- Successfully meet HESI/TEAS requirements.
- Have completed nurse aid requirements by the fall semester.
- Have submitted an application to the ADN Program.
- Have received provisional acceptance into the ADN Program or provide a letter of recommendation from the ADN director. Students applying for Year 2 entry do not receive priority admission into the ADN Program but will receive priority admission for UNCP's RN-BSN Program.
- Acceptance into UNC-Pembroke as a degree seeking student.

James W Crouch Jr., MA
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