The MSOT program is a cohort program, with each cohort of students starting together in the fall annually, progressing through the program in sync.
OTCAS is where you will complete your application and submit all of your supporting documents. After you submit your application, you will receive an email from UNCP’s graduate school asking you to pay the UNCP graduate application fee of $55. This $55 will be applied toward the first semester's tuition, for all who enroll in the program.
Our prerequisite classes, their minimum grades and so forth are spelled out on the prerequisite page.
The MSOT program does allow perspective students to apply to the program, but these are not co-requisites. The prerequisite coursework must be successfully completed before the program begins. For more information on the prerequisites, please see this page.
The program lasts six consecutive semesters, including summers.
The MSOT program is offered as an in-person experience to best develop the skills needed to be a successful practitioner.