Healthy Start Connection is a case management and community intervention program funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Maternal and Child Health Bureau(MCH).
The mission of Healthy Start Connection is to enhance the perinatal service system in Robeson County while strengthening community empowerment.
The focus of Healthy Start Connection is to eliminate disparities in perinatal health and empower communities to address the factors contributing to perinatal morbidity and mortality while ensuring that every woman and infant gains access to and continues care within a comprehensive family centered health delivery system.
The goal of the program is to reduce the number of infant deaths and low-birth weight babies in Robeson County by providing case management services to children for up to eighteen (18) months after delivery while providing the community with health education classes on nutrition, self-esteem, HIV/STD, Drugs and Alcohol, preterm birth, breastfeeding, and postpartum depression while maintaining strong linkages with local and State Title V perinatal services.
September is Infant Mortality Awareness Month and an excellent opportunity to raise awareness of the issue of infant mortality in your community, as well as promote your Healthy Start program locally and nationally.