Phase V Strategic Planning

Goals Conference

In May of 2012, SPARC members attended a day-long goals conference as our year of strategic planning came to a close.  In addition to SPARC members, other key internal stakeholders attended in order to share their expertise (e.g., representatives from Human Resources, Finance, Physical Plant, etc.).  Many of these individuals, along with senior leadership, will be responsible for implementing the strategic plan.  At the goals conference, participants used concept papers and the draft vision statement to create a set of draft goals for each of the strategic concepts identified through the planning process.  After the draft goals were agreed upon, groups created possible action plans for each goal.  Another document that was created specifically for the conference was one containing Planning Assumptions.  This document describes the world in which UNCP operates and helped to ensure that goals and action plans were grounded in realities of the region, the state, and the nation.

Planning Assumptions Document