Welcome! We are excited that you have taken an interest in the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Program.
The BSW Program at UNCP is offered primarily in-person on the Pembroke campus. Some classes are offered online.
The BSW Program is uniquely positioned to prepare generalist-level social workers who are ready to tackle the challenges and needs of rural communities. Receiving initial accreditation in 1982, our Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) accredited program has a long-standing commitment to preparing students for the challenges and strengths of generalist practice in rural settings. As you learn more, you will discover the many ways our program works to help students achieve success. Please let us know if you have any questions on how we can help you reach your social work education and career goals.
The mission of the Department of Social Work at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke is to prepare students to become leaders in enhancing the quality of life and seeking solutions to rural problems. It is particularly concerned with the consequences of injustice, and thus focuses on the empowerment of populations-at-risk and the advancement of economic, political and social justice in all communities.